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In real-time monitoring:

In real time

The purpose of a GPC monitoring session is to alert operators or technical managers to the malfunction of equipment or a production line.
The GPC Scan web application allows several users to monitor the operation of several equipment for which they are responsible.
GPC analysis allows GPC Scan to be very precise about the origin of the malfunction and the corrective action to be taken.


A user has access to different personalized dashboards to properly assess the situation. He can also complete the knowledge of the monitored system if necessary to benefit the entire technical community.
Le paramétrage d’une session est défini au cours de son setup, mais il est possible de le faire évoluer si besoin :

  • alert triggering rules
  • recipients of alerts,
  • description of corrective actions

GPC System consultants can help you, if necessary, to update monitoring sessions as part of a support service.