The innovative Global Process Control (GPC) technology developed GPC SYSTEM (patents) is a multidimensional extension of SPC (Statistical Process Control) invented in 1935 by statistician Walter A Shewhart. SPC has significantly advanced industrial quality and productivity.
It is thanks to the SPC, from the 1950s, that Japanese firms established themselves worldwide in the fields of electronics (Sony, Canon, JVC, etc.) and automobiles (Toyota, Nissan, Mitsubishi). …). France (like Europe and the USA) waited until the 80s and 90s to adopt it as part of the “quality approach” and upgrade its production methods.
- Dès lors, elle poursuit son développement dans l’automobile, la métallurgie.
The innovative Global Process Control technology.
Daniel Lafaye de Micheaux
Founder & CEODaniel Lafaye de Micheaux,academic statistician, designed GPC technology as a multidimensional extension of SPC : The GPC exploits the interactions between the quantities collected instead of considering these quantities separately as the SPC control charts do.
This became possible by the computing power of computers which WA Shewhart did not have and by the experience in multidimensional statistics of D. Lafaye of Micheaux.
Since 2003, GPC technology has been already used in a wide variety of fields (semiconductor, automotive, plastics, metallurgy, etc.).
“The GPC method proposed by M. LAFAYE DE MICHEAUX appears to have the benefits of multivariate technics and avoiding pitfalls ; it is not like others, simply triggering alarms, but it allows us to know immediately the cause of the drift… The GPC method provides adequate responses to a growing need.”
“…The GPC developed by Mr. Daniel Lafaye de Micheaux makes it possible to go even further in identifying the signature of an out of control process, with a permanent learning mode.”
“…The follow-up by multivariate methods seems to me very interesting and the recent developments reassure me in this direction. In addition, the ergonomics of the results are in line with our operational needs.”
“…my point of view on the GPC method: this method seems relevant to me for this type of process, because it constitutes a multidimensional approach truly in line with the logic of the basic concepts of MSP… In this context, the GPC method constitutes a set coherent set of indicators to detect and describe the effects of process operating anomalies.”
Georges KOPFF
– détecter les diverses causes de défectuosité,
– permettre leur identification précise (et non se borner à signaler la présence d’une défectuosité non identifiable).
Votre méthode de pilotage de processus permet un retour d’expérience tout à fait intéressant : il est possible de prévenir la réapparition d’un défaut déjà observé par la simple création d’une carte spécifique à ce défaut, action impossible avec les cartes de contrôle classiques.”
Dominique VAILHEN
“…the semiconductor industry and its derived applications, in which Si Automation operates today in an international context, already represents a privileged field of investigation for GPC.”
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